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Tootie Cole Listen God Wants You to Live - CD

It is my desire to share the love of Christ through...

  These are retreat homes where individuals/families can go rest and
  find strength in an environment of peace when life presents
  overwhelming circumstances.

A Message from Tootie.....

Thank you so much for meeting me here.
It has truly been a journey for me in discovering who I am in the eyes of Christ.
I now know that God wants me to love Him, love people and LIVE.
I don't have to try to be anyone else other than myself because He formed me beautifully.
I don't have to be ashamed of my family history, because He is using it to shape me into a vessel for His use.
Neither do I have to hide past mistakes, because He designed my mistakes for His use to bless me and those around me.
My prayer is that you see yourself as God sees you and join me in a call to action. Go show the world that You are Somebody's Miracle!

How many...

  • children are praying that someone would take notice of the visible signs that everything is not ok and reach out their hand to help?
  • people, because of their life circumstances, sit on the edge of depression praying that someone would reach out to encourage them?
  • elderly sit alone in a nursing home day after day praying for someone to come by who cares?

Allow God to do extraordinary miracles through...YOU! Acts 19:11

You Are Somebody's Miracle.....just believe!